Content writing is the process of planning, writing and editing web content, typically for digital marketing purposes.
Hospital Management System brings together all the information and processes of a hospital, in a single platform. It presents you with a unified 360-degree view for managing patients, doctors, inventory, appointments, billing information, finances and much more.
Digital Marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.
Human Resource & Admin, teaches students human resources and admin skills such as motivational and productivity skills. The course will also cover recruitment management, joining formalities etc. and organization administration.
Do you know, each year 39 million people are pushed into poverty by out-of-pocket payments for healthcare? says the Word Bank Data We aim: Healthcare For All by facilitating essential financial support for the under-priveledged needy patients through crowd funding
Do you know, 13.6% children drop out of school due to Financial Reasons, according to a NCBI report. Together we can empower the young minds. Education is the best of the charities one can provide for the society and for a brighter future generation.
Everyone deserves equal opportunities India has the largest working population in the World. Regardless of which the youth faces the issue of new age, on-the-job skills, with skill development being a costly affair. We provide free skill development training and job placements to the under priviledged youth.
Whichever skills you posses, Put them into action! For individuals; who wish to bring a change in society
Whichever skills you posses, Put them into action! For individuals; who wish to bring a change in society